Friday, February 20, 2009

entry (2): a beach day to remember

second time
second time the dorks planned on something
second time we made it happen (stop wondering what the first time was, let's go to the second time...) so where do i begin?

valentines day - blame it on all the hearts floating in the air, we dorks cannot, could not, will not take any of your sentimentalities cupid! - so yes, i was saying, it happened not so long time ago, it happened during the just recently gone by hearts' day, it happened on a saturday afternoon...

that's right, we planned ahead on our beach day, we've had several "meetings" at zoey's (need i mention martin, jean luc, and wally?) and we bought stuff-to-bring at G-mall - thus adding risks to our mortality, had there been another "papaya" then there would be four names put into ashes - but enough with my happy tree friends mode and let's move on to that particular feb. 14...

oh yes, that day...

"9am, at Jollibee tibanga, let's meet there" shouted my memory supported with the dorks' voice, yet i woke up at 10:30am - blame it on the warehouse party - instantly, after checking the time, i felt like crying... try to remember that time you didn't make it to your much awaited field-trip, yes baby, exactly how i felt...

moving on, i didn't give up, and to hell with spending the valentines alone, so i rushed to tibanga, hailed a jeepney, took a seat on the front part and texted the dorks, luckily they were good enough to wait...

so we met, volted in! marched like nazis, crossed the pedetrian, took a seat at the back portion of the rural bus, felt like gradeschool students - or at least in my part i did - and made our way to DON-ARC POBLETE BEACH RESORT

(a last minute snap at the entrance)

after what seemed to be our first bus trip (acting like drunken high teens thus making the other passengers uneasy but wtf right? what do you expect out of 5 english majors? this?: "kim dear, pray tell, how near are we to our destination?"), we unloaded the bus and heard imaginary "hoorays!" and "thank g-d" from our fellow passengers, thus we ignored it and excitedly ran towards the beach, we rented a cottage, laid our stuff, put some music on, ate lunch, went lying on the sarong, took a dip in the sea, played "shark" game with live pig, made a pair of extraordinary huge sand boobs (whatever happened to innocent little sand castles?)

(authentic appreciation of art)

ok now get your eyes away from the boobies, back to my report, well yes, we had fun, and that is just stating the obvious...need i tell more? 'course i will, and so here is a list of things we did and hope to do again:

1. we had BOOZE! that comes with chips btw (just imagine how boring we get to be when drunk)

2. we did KARAOKE and discovered that within every dork is a decaying corpse of a diva covered with hard-bound literary books (and i'm not talking about my diva shimberly and ratimah!)

3. in connection with the KARAOKE movement, we also happened to expose our secret desires for songs such as: ratimah is to "halik", and pheyth is to "nosi balasi" with a little translation like: "yosi! (dead tonsils hanging) yosi balasi! sino? yosi ba sila! (yeah...yeah...)"

4. we also did a last minute pictorial and tried to discover our model-like qualities, which came off naturaly along with the sea

i could go on but really, need i state the obvious again?

we had real fun! and we were singles (or so we like to think...) on that cruel hearts' day yet we laughed our hearts out and lived perfectly well with each other, and it has been awhile since i had such a great time in the beach.

thank you dorks: kim, fatz, joey and to lourd and emily who were with us then.

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